What future for Russia in space?

The war on Ukraine could have major consequences on Russia's role as a space actor

To gain daily-life reality, Europe needs to be embodied by tangible, ubiquitous symbols

The challenges of the (faltering, stuttering) European project, and the consequent approach of the future, are qualitatively different from those of the Member States.

Trusted AI

The High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), organized under the aegis of the European Commission, has asked the members of the European AI Alliance for contribution on the topics to be discussed at the first workshop of the AI HLEG, one of them concerning Trusted AI.

Here are a few of my thoughts on how trust can be gained.

On the European AI Strategy

This was a busy week. I participated in the AI Europe Stakeholder Summit : A European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, organized by the Section Single Market, Production & Consumption of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) - great event, great people, great debate! 😊
Also, as a member of the European AI Alliance, I have submitted several topics on AI ethics for discussion by the High-Level Expert Group on AI.

On the Future of Work

The world of work is changing, fast, deep, and wide, and our way of thinking better catch up.